
William Hague calls for ‘thorough’ investigation of Sergei Magnitsky’s death

Daily Telegraph

In an exchange of letters with David Davis, the Conservative MP and former Home Secretary, Mr Hague welcomed Russia’s decision to investigate the lawyer’s death, but added: “It is important that this investigation should be thorough and transparent if it is to address both human rights concerns and the effect of this case on investor confidence.”

Mr Magnitsky, who worked for London-based hedge fund Hermitage Capital Management, died in a Russian jail while awaiting trial for tax fraud charges brought by police officers he claimed were involved in a $230m (£145m) tax fraud. Mr Magnitsky denied the charges.

To Moscow’s embarrassment, the case has garnered publicity in Russia and across the world. Political parties have picketed the homes of officers alleged to have been involved in Mr Magnitsky’s death, and campaigns are being fought on the web.

The US is considering banning from entry several senior Russian government officials alleged to be linked to the fraud, and they have been put on a banking blacklist.

Mr Hague is hoping to smooth diplomatic ties with Moscow on his trip next month, but relations remain soured by a range of disputes – principally the controversial death of former KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko in London in 2006 and the suspension of British Council activities two years ago.

Mr Magnitsky’s case may prove a further obstacle.

Hermitage, managed by Bill Browder, an American with a British passport, claims to have been targeted by Russian criminals because it was the country’s largest taxpayer. Through a complicated conspiracy, Hermitage alleged its subsidiary companies were raided and the $230m of tax paid in 2006 was reclaimed by fake owners.

Mr Hague confirmed in his letter: “Mr Browder and his team have been in regular contact… and we have followed closely the case of Mr Magnitsky and wider issue relating to Mr Browder’s company.”

The Russian authorities have fired senior police officers and launched an investigation. Mr Davis pointed out that the US is considering a visa ban for those alleged to have been involved, and asked Mr Hague: “I would be most grateful if you would give me some idea of what the British position is on this matter and what action, if any, is being considered.”

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