
U.S. Senators initiate sanctions against Russian officials involved in Magnitsky death

Subject: hermitage news / maria : U.S. Senators initiate sanctions against
Russian officials involved in Magnitsky death

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One of the authors of the bill banning entry to the United States for Russian officials involved in the death of Hermitage Capital lawyer Sergei Magnitsky is U.S. Republican Senator John McCain, the company said.

It emerged that one of the senior members of the U.S. Republic Party McCain and Democratic Senator Benjamin Cardin co-authored a bill imposing a full ban on the entry to the U.S. and the seizure of assets of the persons involved in the persecutions and tortures which led to Magnitsky’s death, the company said in a press release on Friday.

Magnitsky, a 37-year-old lawyer from Firestone Duncan, was charged with tax evasion and taken into custody.

Magnitsky died at the Matrosskaya Tishina pretrial detention facility on November 16, 2009. His death drew a wide public response. The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into his death.

A forensic medical study found that Magnitsky died of acute cardiac insufficiency. Despite a number of dismissals in the Russian penitentiary system following the investigation, many human rights activists claim that Magnitsky’s death had not been investigated properly. займ на карту онлайн займ онлайн на карту без отказа https://zp-pdl.com https://zp-pdl.com/get-quick-online-payday-loan-now.php срочный займ на карту

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