
Leading Russian TV journalist’s programme reportedly censored

Ekho Moskvy

Moscow – The management of Channel One has edited out the traditional concluding commentary from [a leading Russian television journalist] Vladimir Pozner’s programme broadcast of Sundays. In this fragment the TV journalist wanted to recall the cases of Sergey Magnitskiy, Vasiliy Aleksanyan and Svetlana Bakhmina.

When the world sees Russia’s inhuman treatment of people whose guilt has not been proven, should one be surprised at the not quite correct or not correct at all treatment the world metes out to Russian citizens? This is, according to the press, what was contained in Vladimir Pozner’s concluding remark, which failed to be broadcast. The TV journalist compared the situation of Viktor But [Bout] who is in a US prison with what seriously ill Yukos lawyer Vasiliy Aleksanyan; Hermitage Fund lawyer Sergey Magnitskiy, who died in detention, or Svetlana Bakhmina had to go through in Russian remand centres.

The author of the programme himself told the New Times magazine that the instruction to take it off the air could have come from the channel’s head Konstantin Ernst. Vladimir Pozner doesn’t have any explanation of why such a decision was taken. In any case, the journalist said there would be no changes in the content or time of broadcasting in connection with this.

Earlier in spring Pozner’s concluding remarks were already taken off the air, the press recalled. At the time, after the tragedy at Raspadskaya mine, the journalist wondered why national mourning should be declared only when the number of dead exceeded 100. займ на карту срочный займ на карту https://zp-pdl.com/get-quick-online-payday-loan-now.php zp-pdl.com срочный займ на карту

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