
EU Backs Sanctions Against Officials

The St Petersburg Times

The European Parliament urged EU governments Thursday to freeze the assets of Russian officials involved in the prison death of Hermitage Capital lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, and pressed the Russian government to do more to punish those who commit crimes against Kremlin critics.

The parliament also encouraged European Union states to ban visas for the officials but, after Russian lobbying in recent days, softened the language of the resolution focusing on Magnitsky’s death.

The resolution is nonbinding, and EU governments did not immediately comment on whether they would take action against Russian officials. Magnitsky’s lawyers, however, called the resolution a key step toward bringing justice and pressuring Moscow to show its commitment to rule of law. The Kremlin press service did not comment on the vote.

The parliament voted 318-163 with 95 abstentions for a measure that “encourages EU law enforcement agencies to cooperate in freezing bank accounts and other assets” in Europe of Russian officials involved in the case. The measure also urges EU members “to consider imposing an EU entry ban for Russian officials involved in this case.”

The U.S. Congress is considering a similar measure.

The measure does not name the targeted Russians, but Magnitsky’s colleagues have identified 60 officials, including relatively senior figures in the Interior Ministry.

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