
Single crusade against the Russian corruption


The Lawyer and bloger Alexey Navalnyj for last three years has created to itself reputation, so to say, Russian Dzhuliana Assandzha or Linkolna Stefensa, journalist Julia Ioffe tells in the article in magazine The New Yorker. In the blog it opens criminal cases of a personal profit in the large Russian oil companies, banks and the ministries. Three months ago Navalnyj has created site RosPil for corruption exposure in state structures. “Since this site has been started, the state contracts for the sum close to 7 million of dollars after Navalnyj and its army have considered their doubtful have been cancelled. The most remarkable that all is Navalnyj undertakes in the country where some reporters and the lawyers investigating similar cases, have been beaten or killed”, – is told in article.

The Reputation of Russia as corrupted country already has turned to a cliche, but its influence on public life at all levels is difficult for overestimating, the author considers. “Corruption has reached such level that the firms participating in preparation of the Black Sea resort of Sochi to the winter Olympic Games of 2014, inform that recoils at the rate above 50 %” are compelled to pay, – the author continues.

“Corruption affected not only a state financial position, but also on its elementary efficiency”, – Robert Massi wrote to Peter the Great biographies. In Russia public service was historically perceived as means of a personal profit: to officials paid the scanty salary or in general it did not pay, assuming that they will be fed with bribes, adds Massi. According to the author, for expired period in Russia the little has changed: “almost any can be bribed, sometimes with terrifying consequences”.

“To Russia fight against corruption – the dangerous occupation”, – is written by the author. “When I have asked Lyudmila, mother Navalnogo, whether she is afraid for the son, it has burst into tears”, – writes Ioffe. “I believe that it does, it is occupied by a just cause, but I am not ready. It is not ready to that my son became the martyr”, – Lyudmila has told.

Navalnyj was born in 1976. His father was the officer of communication in the Soviet army, and mother, Lyudmila, – the young economist convinced by a member of the CPSU. In the childhood of Navalnyj spent summer at the paternal grandmother near Chernobyl. After Chernobyl accident all local branch of a family evacuated, many suffer till now illnesses of a liver and a thyroid gland. “Alexey is not enough about it speaks, but Chernobyl Very strongly it has affected “, – Lyudmila speaks.

Navalnyj has ended faculty of law of University of friendship of the people in Moscow, worked in real estate agency, has got financial education, and in 2001 became the broker. In 1999 Navalnyj has entered party “Apple”, but quickly in it was disappointed. He speaks: “There was a constant antagonism between normal party members and any infernal, mad, mad weight of bits of democratic movement 80”. When in 2007 the party has lost the last four mandates in the State Duma, Navalnyj has publicly called for Grigory Javlinsky’s discharge. Him have excluded from the party.

Kampanija Navalnogo against corruption in corporations has begun in the end of 2007 when he has decided to get actions of large Russian state companies – “Gazprom”, “Rosneft” and “Transneft”, having considered as their reliable and favourable investments. He “has quickly noticed that the companies, despite a rise in prices for raw materials and wide access to enormous natural riches of Russia, pay amazingly small dividends. Then he has learnt from article in the newspaper that” the Transneft “only in 2007 has offered 300 million dollars on charity. This sum made more than 10 % of the income of the company that year and exceeded the sum spent for operation of all system of pipelines, but” the Transneft “has not divulged, where this money” has gone, – is told in article.

Navalnyj as the owner of two actions of “Transneft” has requested there the list of the organisations which got financial support in 2007. When to it have refused, he has addressed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and has asked to file criminal charges. According to the author, the inspector repeatedly closed business, and the Office of Public Prosecutor cancelled its decision and cancelled business again. In three years “Transneft” has challenged that Navalnyj can be considered as its shareholder, and also has slowed down proceeding, expecting results of the appeal of “Rosneft” in the Constitutional court, saying that the law on wide access of shareholders to company documents does not correspond to the constitution. “In February the Constitutional court, to general surprise, has rejected arguments of” Rosneft “, and the Moscow arbitration court has decided that Navalnyj really shareholder and that” Transneft “is obliged to give the documents requested by him.” The Transneft “will appeal against against this decision”, – is told in article.

“So strange mechanisms Navalnyj has found out in other state companies which actions owned”, – writes Ioffe.

The Newest project of Navalnogo on the Internet – site RosPil. Idea RosPil Has arisen, when Navalnomu have informed that Ministry of health and social development “declared the tender for system creation for 2 million dollars which would connect doctors and patients. The winner of the tender had 16 days on site working out”, – the author writes. Nаvаl’nyj has urged readers to send official complaints to Federal antimonopoly service, and without small 2 thousand person and have arrived. “It has paralysed work of agency which under the law is obliged to answer all complaints”, – is told in article. The ministry cancelled the contract. As a result the official who concluded contracts, has left. “From my first post before its resignation there has passed week”, – has declared Navalnyj.

The Success of this campaign has caused the whole falls of electronic letters with references to similar contracts. But Navalnyj explains: “I cannot replace alone with myself FAS and Office of Public Prosecutor. So the idea to create a site where people could do it” was born.

“Actually RosPil – attempt to give work of Navalnogo on krаudsorsing. It seems reasonable as such work it is integral is connected with danger. RosPil distributes the risk connected with exposure of corruption, and in a sense serves as the insurance: if with Navalnym something happens, RosPil will not stop work and, probably, so will shame the government that it reforms itself”, – is told in article.

In February Navalnyj declared that collects donations on site RosPil, and for a week has received more than 120 thousand dollars. “That fact that people endow money, is very important in a context of cynicism of Russians”, – tells Aleh Tsivinski, the economist from Jelja, become for Navalnogo something like the mentor. “Russia – the rich country, and now people think not only of things of the first necessity. To write Navalnomu is in any sense means to use the power. Nаvаl’nyj uses an enormous demand of national movement from below”, – has added Tsivinski.

Navalnyj also has managed to transform people from simple supporters into fighters-adherents, the author considers. “Alexey gives the chance to people to become civil active workers without the introduction into the non-governmental organisations or political parties”, – Elena Panfilov has noticed. Debate of Navalnogo and the dean of “the elite Moscow university closely connected with Medvedev” have collected hundreds students, 4 hours have lasted, but almost nobody has left. It denies ordinary representation about apathy of young Russians, the author notices.

“It also testified About growing “zvezdnosti” Navalnogo “, – adds Ioffe. In the autumn of last year the newspaper” Businessman “has held an informal election of the mayor of Moscow on the Internet. Nаvаl’nyj has won with a huge separation – 45 %. The second place was occupied with” the candidate “for anybody do not vote” – 14 %.

“For me it is huge responsibility”, – Navalnyj in interview has told about it. It does not hide the political ambitions, the author writes. An analyst Masha Lipman named Navalnogo the born politician. “Partly attractiveness of Navalnogo speaks that it rejects the Russian liberalism, in its opinion, hopelessly lost communication with the country, conservative inherently. Its nationalism – something irreconcilable and even shocking”, – writes Ioffe. “But he firmly declares that is the pragmatist, instead of the ideologist”, – the author marks. “There is a set of questions which to us should be discussed, instead of to assign to nationalists”, – tells Navalnyj.

Oppositionist Vladimir Milov in interview warns: ahead of Navalnogo the big complexities expect. “As soon as it will come to a big-times politics, it will lose support of people which thought that simply write letters”, – he believes. And still Navalnyj always tries to remind the supporters that their work has the integral political value. Oppositional bloger Anton Nosik says that Navalnyj – “the Russian oppositionist first for very long time who understands opposition not as process of creation of the alternative political nomenclature, but as real actions”.

Navalnyj and his wife Julia never reflected on emigration, unlike growing number of the Russian coevals. Recently Navalnyj has passed six-monthly training in Jele, but took return tickets. “To me a reluctance to admit, but after there has passed euphoria from novelty, I have felt stereotypic feeling of the Russian emigrant abroad: has really missed black bread”, – it has explained.

In Jele Navalnyj went on employment at business school, worked with teachers of jurisprudence and studied the American political system. As he said, it is very interesting, as the small organisations which then start to influence a policy are created. “For example,” Tea drinking “. Improbably: some old women have gathered, and now they press Obama from different directions”, – has noticed Navalnyj. It has expressed desire to create similar movement in Russia.

“Coming back to the underground after visit to it home, I have reflected on dangers to which Navalnyj” is exposed, – Writes Ioffe. In interview to it Navalnyj has declared that liberally adjusted Russian businessmen are afraid. “I do not understand this position. First, it is boring. Secondly – excuse, if it sounds pathosly – to die standing better, than to live in a lap”, – Navalnyj has told.

“So contemptiously he has expressed those who considers that he or someone else struggle with well greased car of reprisals”, – the author notices. “I do not agree: those who works in business at high enough level, can tell to you that no car in general is present. All an invention. That is they can destroy one person, as Magnitsky, me or Khodorkovsky. But if they try to undertake something regular against enormous number of people no car will exist. It simply speckled group of the swindlers who have united under a portrait of Putin”, – Navalnyj has told. “If tomorrow ten businessmen act openly and directly, we will live in other country. Directly from tomorrow”, – he has added. займ на карту займ на карту срочно без отказа https://zp-pdl.com https://zp-pdl.com/emergency-payday-loans.php hairy woman

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