
Browder Refused Safe Passage to Germany for Magnitsky Event

Moscow Times

The European Magnitsky Law event has been canceled after German authorities refused to grant safe passage to William Browder, the head of Hermitage Capital, who was due to speak at the event in Berlin on May 27.

Germany’s refusal to grant Browder safe passage comes after Russian authorities filed a request with Interpol to monitor the investor’s international movements. Browder is wanted in Russia on charges of tax evasion.

Browder has denied the charges and tied them to his work with late lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, who was arrested in 2008 after reporting the embezzlement of $230 million by tax authorities.

Magnitsky later died in a pre-trial detention center after being refused treatment for a medical problem. The Kremlin human rights council also ruled that the lawyer had been beaten before his death.

In April this year, the U.S. imposed sanctions on a number of Russian officials implicated in the Magnitsky case. Browder, who has campaigned for the adoption of a similar law in Europe, was due to speak at the Magnitsky Law event next Monday.

Germany’s refusal to protect Browder at the event has drawn the ire of the Hermitage group, who released a statement saying “the German authorities are … becoming an accessory to the Russian cover-up of Magnitsky’s killers.” unshaven girl займы онлайн на карту срочно https://zp-pdl.com/online-payday-loans-in-america.php https://zp-pdl.com/apply-for-payday-loan-online.php займы онлайн на карту срочно

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2 Responses to “Browder Refused Safe Passage to Germany for Magnitsky Event”

  1. Dawn says:

    If Germany were smart it would expel all Russian diplomats the way the Obama Administration needs to do. The situation on the ground on Long Island (NY) is very bad & the terror cell is being run from the Russian dacha on Dosoris Lane in Glen

    Cove,NY. Millions of Long Islanders are being

    exterminated like vermin. The terror cell founders are Putin’s illegals. The mass genocide underway using phone cloning to know when homes & stores can be turned into dirty bombs without the murderers being caught is Russian government sanctioned. Putin would have locked up his illegals & shutdown the terror cell’s operations on Russian soil if he hadn’t rubber stamped the eradication of Long Island’s residents.All terror cell members will be contained in Guantanamo. Our federal pen can’t absorb so many illegals at one time.

  2. Dawn says:

    Putin is playing divide & conquer of NATO. He’s obviously doing a good job since right now NATO is divided when most members refuse to take a stand against Vladmir Putin’s tyranny. It’s disappointing that what the US labels allies are so willing to become Putin’s slaves.How many US armed service members’ lives will it cost us to free EU fools from this slavery when you decide you don’t want to be Putin’s victims any longer? German values have reached an all time low! It’s Putin that should be denied safe passage into Germany.

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