
Russian Foreign Ministry disapproves of CoE’s idea of Magnitsky sanctions


Talk about sanctions against the Russians who the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) believes played a part in the death of Hermitage Capital lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in Moscow police custody, are counterproductive, the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

“We believe it is absolutely counterproductive even to talk about such sanctions, especially on the issues which amount to meddling in our affairs,” Russian Foreign Ministry’s Human Rights Commissioner Konstantin Dolgov told Interfax.

“Our position is principled: any unlawful methods and tools which might be used against Russian citizens will never be left without our response. The whole story around the Magnitsky Act in the American context confirms that,” he said.

A report on Magnitsky’s death prepared by Swiss parliamentarian Andreas Gross was discussed at a PACE winter session on Tuesday. After the discussion a recommendation was passed (151 votes in favor), in which the PACE proposed that the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe consider measures to improve international cooperation in the inquiry into the monetary trail of the funds, the stealing of which was exposed by Magnitsky.

In particular, the Committee of Ministers is asked to ensure that Russia fully participates in such efforts and prosecutes those who committed and benefited from the crime against Magnitsky and the one exposed by him.

An approved amendment to the document proposes, in the absence of an adequate response from the Russian authorities to the PACE demands, to recommend that CoE states, as a measure of last resort, to follow the example of the United States by imposing sanctions against certain individuals.

Hermitage Capital lawyer and Firestone Duncan partner Magnitsky, who was arrested on tax evasion charges, died in police custody in Moscow on November 16, 2009. The lawyer’s colleagues, William Browder and Jamison Firestone stated at the time that Magnitsky was arrested after unveiling corruption schemes which involved a number of Russian officials and police officers.

At the PACE session on Tuesday the Russian delegation opposed the referring of the recommendations to the Committee of Ministers.

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