
People responsible for Magnitsky’s death should be punished – rights activist


Human rights activists are hoping that the U.S. and the European Union will deny entry to the Russian officials involved in the death of Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer for the Hermitage Capital Group, who died in a Moscow detention facility.

“We are actively promoting this idea. If the Russian authorities do not want to punish these people, other countries should set an example,” Lyudmila Alekseyeva, the head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, told Interfax on Monday.

Alekseyeva said civil activists and Magnitsky’s colleagues have repeatedly asked the Russian authorities to punish the people responsible for his death and provide the results of an independent investigation, all inquiries have gone unanswered.

Earlier on Monday, Hermitage Capital said in a statement citing British Foreign Secretary William Hague that the UK may consider denying entry to the Russian officials involved in Magnitsky’s death.

Magnitsky, a 37-year-old lawyer from Firestone Duncan, was charged with tax evasion and taken into custody.

Magnitsky died at the Matrosskaya Tishina pretrial detention facility on November 16, 2009. His death drew a wide public response. The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into his death.

A forensic medical study found that Magnitsky died of acute cardiac insufficiency. Despite a number of dismissals in the Russian penitentiary system following the investigation, many human rights activists claim that Magnitsky’s death had not been investigated properly. unshaven girl займы на карту срочно https://www.zp-pdl.com https://zp-pdl.com/apply-for-payday-loan-online.php срочный займ на карту онлайн

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