
THE COUNTRY MUST RECOGNIZE ITS ANTI-HEROES! or Four questions officials don’t want to answer Part 1

Today the newspaper Novaya Gazeta published a continuation of its investigation into the people who organized the theft of budget money and who killed Sergei Magnitskiy, the man who revealed this theft and testified about the involvement of Ministry of Interior (MVD) officers in its commission.


Last month I put my time to good use and I would like to tell you about the actions I took to expose the people who worked together with MVD officers Karpov and Kuznetsov to steal billions of rubles from their fellow citizens. Officers who we have since learned became rich at the time of the theft.
It is time to demand answers from the authorities, specifically the answers to four simple questions, which I will get to in a moment. Answering these four simple questions will answer one very large and important question.

“Who are these people behind the theft, that Sergei exposed?”.

In other words, who organized the theft that Kuznetsov and Karpov played key rolls in, these now infamous MVD officers who became rich just at the time when the money disappeared from the budget’s coffers? Who directed the actions of Viktor Markelov, a convicted killer and sawmill foreman, who is the only man the MVD has blamed for entire sophisticated theft of 5,4 billion rubles?
Before moving to that question let’s agree on facts not in dispute:

First, The three Russian companies that are at the center of this case belonged to my client Hermitage Fund and were among the largest taxpayers in Russia. They reported their profits and paid 5.4 billion rubles in taxes to the Russian state.

Second, MVD officer Kuznetsov took all the statutory documents and seals for these three Russian companies from my law offices and gave them to investigator Karpov. This was done under a search warrant that did not allow the seizure of any materials for these three companies. The search warrant used was for an unrelated company.

Third, Officer Karpov ignored several requests by our lawyers to return the materials for these three companies, even though they were unrelated to his investigation. At the same time that Karpov was inexplicably refusing to return these materials, the materials he was holding, or copies of these materials, were used to reregister the three companies under the control of Victor Markelov – a convicted criminal, who Kuznetsov and Karpov knew long before. We now know that three of them (plus the owner of the bank where all the stolen government money went) were named in the testimony of a criminal case from 2006 which involved kidnapping and the attempted extortion of 20 million U.S. dollars from businessman Theodore Mikheev.

Fourth, after the Hermitage companies were placed under the control of Markelov, his “unknown” criminal partners created fake debts on the basis of fabricated backdated agreements and then organized court decisions that officially recognized these fake debts. On paper these fake debts, now legitimized by court recognition, exactly cancelled out all the profits the companies had declared in the past when they were owned by Hermitage Fund.

Fifth, Hermitage discovered the crime in progress and on one of its lawyers informed officer Karpov that we had discovered that someone had stolen the three Hermitage companies and was in the process of creating huge fake debts for the stolen companies by obtaining court decisions based on fake agreements. Curiously, officer Karpov did not file any reports about the crime in progress nor did he take any actions to investigate the thefts that were in progress. Officer Karpov has since admitted that this meeting occurred in a statement he filed in July of 2010 with the General Prosecutor’s office but he has yet to be asked to explain his lack of action.

Sixth, Complaints were filed also filed with the Investigatory Committee of the General Prosecutor’s Office, the General Prosecutor’s Office, and the Department of Internal Security for the MVD reporting the theft and alleging the participation of MVD officers but no action was taken by any of these law enforcement agencies to investigate. While all these law enforcement agencies were inactive, Victor Markelov, the convicted killer as the new owner of the stolen companies was very busy. He appointed two more convicted felons, Kurochkin and Khlebnikov as directors of the stolen companies and together they informed the tax authorities that because of the recent court decisions, the companies they now controlled never had any profits and so all previous tax payments had been a mistake, a giant overpayment. For reasons one can only speculate the tax authorities chose to trust these criminals whose conviction records were matters of public record. On the same day the tax authorities approved the return of 5.4 billion rubles, without conducting any due diligence.
The tax authorities have not been asked by investigators why they didn’t bother with an audit before approving the refund. However the tax authorities have justified their decision by claiming that they requested the Moscow Police (GUVD) to check the directors. According to the tax officials, the police responded on the same day that their check did not reveal any matters of concern. This police check that was supposedly carried out failed to flag that all of the new directors requesting this enormous refund had criminal records. More curiously, the check failed to raise any red flags even though one month prior GUVD investigator Karpov had been informed of the theft in progress. Equally strange, the check failed to raise any alarms despite the fact that all of the above named law enforcement bodies had received a 255 page complaint detailing the crime in progress and requesting help from these agencies.
With alleged police confirmation of the clean records of the directors in hand, but without so much as an audit or other verification, the officials of Moscow tax offices number 25 and 28 refunded 5.4 billion rubles of State money to bank accounts in Universal Savings Bank and Intercommerce Bank opened by Markelov, Kurochkin and Khlebnikov just days earlier. Thus the criminals robbed Russian citizens of their money.

None of the above facts are disputed. The Investigatory Committee, the Interior Ministry and the Prosecutor General’s Office agree with all the above. The only open questions are:
1) At the time when investigator Karpov was illegally holding all the materials necessary to commit the crime, who gave the convicted killer Markelov all the materials he actually used to steal the companies and the money?

2) Who did Markelov work for and who organized this sophisticated theft of billions of rubles from the Russian state and its citizens?

3) Were the tax authorities who returned these 5.4 billion rubles in one day without any checks, specifically the officials of Moscow tax offices numbers25 and 28, really tricked into making these refunds?

4) Where did all the stolen money go and is anyone really looking for it?

These are the key questions that corrupt officials from the Interior Ministry and the General Prosecutor’s Office are working hard not to ask or answer.

It took us a year just to get the MVD to admit that the theft of the government money had occurred.
After we made so much noise that the theft could not longer be hidden, corrupt officers in the MVD decided they had to recognize the theft in a way that they could prevent any real investigation of the theft. So in mid 2008 Markelov apparently found his conscience and was feeling so guilty that he returned to Russia from the safety of Ukraine and “turned himself in” and “confessed” to the sophisticated crime.

It was clear from the testimony of Sergei Magnitsky that a nobody like Markelov could never organize this entire sophisticated crime; that it involved the participation of MVD officers, and that is why these officers made an attempt to remove Magnitsky’s testimony. They arrested him with the aim of getting him to change his testimony implicating the officers. In the meantime, they implemented the rest of their hasty damage control plan. Markelov turned himself in, the police “investigated” and concluded that the Tax Officials who made the refund had been tricked and they indicted Markelov on the basis of his confession. The MVD Investigator, the same man who was handling Magnitsky’s case and pressuring him to withdraw his testimony then had the courts quickly and quietly convict Markelov – without bothering to ask him where the stolen money went.

The corrupt officers clearly hoped having a thief in prison would make it unnecessary to try and find the organizers of the crime, to investigate the tax and police officials who were obviously involved, and to look for the stolen government money.

However, because people are so outraged by Sergei’s murder, people are watching this case and they see what is going on; the cover-up of the theft isn’t working as well as officials had hopped. Under public pressure officials have been forced to declare that there are criminals behind Markelov and that they will look for these criminals and the money.

These statements about looking for more criminals and for the stolen money have been made by officials who are not exactly qualified as impartial investigators. Oleg Logunov Head of the Legal Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office, who authorized the detention of Magnitsky stated that the search for the real thieves who organized this crime and the stolen money was continuing but he spent the majority of that interview trying to justify the arrest Magnitskiy, the man who discovered and reported the crime. Somehow in that rather long interview he forgot to mention that he himself had authorized Magnitsky’s detention.

It is clear that it is in Logunov’s personal interest, and in the interest of the General Prosecutor’s office and the MVD to block any impartial and effective investigation of the four questions I have posed.

So, today we have a situation where the authorities are doing everything in their power to avoid an effective investigation.

So it turns out that this is our work with you; to get the authorities to look for the people behind the theft and to look for the stolen money and to get them to punish the perpetrators.

Perpetrators meaning the people who organized this theft and the people who organized the false arrest and death of Magnitsky as part of an overall plan to protect themselves from being exposed.

So what will answering these the four questions I have asked tell us? Who will they lead us to? What exactly have I just asked the authorities to check? Read my post tomorrow. займ на карту unshaven girls https://zp-pdl.com/best-payday-loans.php https://zp-pdl.com/fast-and-easy-payday-loans-online.php займ на карту без отказов круглосуточно

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