Criminal Enterprise Structure

Mayorova and Pavlov are wife and husband lawyer team who specialize in obtaining court judgments through fraud for the Kluyev Organized Crime Group.
These fraudulently obtained court judgments are then used by the Klyuev Organized Crime Group to steal property or taxes.

Enforcer and coordinator violent criminals for the group
Conviction: Possession of Ilegal Drugs (2005)
Arrest: Kidnapping & Extortion (2006)
Recruits and coordinates the activities of violent criminals for the group

Born: 28 February 1975
Position: Deputy Head, Unit of Field Officers of Tax Crimes Division of the Moscow Branch of the Russian Interior Ministry.
Promoted to the Economic Security Department of the Russian Interior Ministry
Key member of the Klyuev Crime Group. He uses his position in law enforcement to aid the group in committing crimes and to protect it when it gets caught. He played a key role in the $230 million tax theft and in arresting Sergei Magnitsky after he exposed the crime group.

Born: 27 August 1977
Position: Investigator of the Investigative Unit of the Moscow Branch of the Russian Interior Ministry
key member of the Klyuev Crime Group. He uses his position in law enforcement to aid the group in committing crimes and to protect it when it gets caught. He played a key role in the $230 million tax theft and in prosecuting Sergei Magnitsky after he exposed the crime group.

Position: Head of Moscow Tax Office 28 during 2004-2010
Key member of the Klyuev Organized crime group. Stepanova systematically authorized tax refunds she knew to be fraudulent and her husband systematically laundered proceeds of the crimes through western banks.

Position: Husband Olga Stepanova
Key member of the Klyuev Organized crime group. Stepanov’s wife systematically authorized tax refunds she knew to be fraudulent and her husband systematically laundered proceeds of the crimes through western banks.

Position: Deputy Head of Moscow Tax Office 28 in 2007-2010
Important member of the Klyuev Crime Group. Tax officer Anisimova worked with her boss, Tax Officer Stepanova to systematically authorize mutiple tax refunds she knew to be fraudulent.

Position: Deputy Head of Moscow Tax Office 28
Important member of the Klyuev Crime Group. Tax officer Anisimova worked with her boss, Tax Officer Stepanov to systematically authorize mutiple tax refunds she knew to be fraudulent.

Position: Chairman of Kluyev’s Universal Savings Bank, a Nominee Owner of the Bank
Crime: Participated in both the 2006 and 2007 tax thefts
Front man for Kluyev and his bank, the Universal Savings Bank. Plaksin served as Chairman of the bank and he played a roll in a $107 million tax theft in 2006 and the $230 million tax theft in 2007.

Position: Investigator of the Investigative Unit of the Moscow Branch of the Russian Interior Ministry
Person most responsible for the false arrest, detention, torture and death of Sergey Magntsky. He is a key member of the Klyuev Crime Group and played the leading role in protecting its key members from being blamed for their roles in the $230 tax theft.

Born: 15 December 1967
Crime: Imprisoned for Manslaughter
Crime: Arrested for Extortion & Kidnapping
Crime: Convicted in a closed trial in connection with the theft of taxes paid by Hermitage
Criminal Nickname: Master of the Mills
Enforcer for Klyuev. In 2006, he was accused of kidnapping with officers Kuznetsov and Karpov. In the $230 million tax theft in 2007, documents held by Kuznetsov and Karpov were used to falsely register Markelov as owner of the stolen Hermitage companies. Markelov also played a large role in protecting his bosses from liability.

Born: 20 June 1964
Unable to testify in connection with the $230 million theft due to his death at age 43, 2008
Was a front man for Klyuev. In the $230 tax theft of 2007, his fellow criminal, Viktor Markelov, made him a director of one of the stolen Hermitage companies. Kurochkin then signed documents necessary to effect that tax refund fraud.

Born: 16 April 1971
Crime: Accused of Murder in 1998
Crime: Participated in both the 2006 and 2007 tax thefts
Front man for Klyuev. He was accused of murder in 1998. He played a role in both the $107 million tax theft in 2006 and the $230 million tax theft in 2007.

Born: 9 July 1967
Convicted: Extortion and violent threats
Crime: Larceny and causing substantial bodily harm to a victim
Convicted in a closed trial in connection with the theft of taxes paid by Hermitage
Front man for Klyuev. In the $230 tax theft of 2007, his fellow criminal, Viktor Markelov, made him a director of one of the stolen Hermitage companies. Kurochkin then signed documents necessary to effect that tax refund fraud. Khlebnikov also played a large role in protecting his bosses from liability.
Members of the Klyuev Organized Crime Group
- Dmitry Klyuev – Head of the group, alias “Dima Chelter”. According to available information, Dmitry Klyuev is the boss of an organized crime group that specializes in organizing fraudulent tax refunds from the Russian treasury. He was also the secret owner of Universal Savings Bank.
- Andrey Pavlov and Yulia Mayorova – are a husband and wife lawyer team who according to available information specialize in obtaining court judgments through fraud for the Klyuev Organized Crime Group.
- Sergei Orlov – Enforcer for the organized crime group who according to available information recruits and coordinates the activities of violent criminals for the group.
Key Group Members serving in the Russian Government
- Olga Stepanova and her now ex-husband Vladlen Stepanov – are key members of the Klyuev Organized Crime Group. Stepanova, acting as head of Moscow Tax Office 28, systematically authorized fraudulent tax refunds transferred to the Klyuev’s Universal Savings Bank, and her husband systematically wired proceeds of the crimes through western banks.
- Elena Animisova from Moscow Tax Office 28 – is an important member of the Klyuev Organized Crime Group. Tax officer Anisimova worked with her boss, Tax Officer Stepanova, to systematically authorize multiple fraudulent tax refunds transferred to the Klyuev’s Universal Savings Bank.
- Olga Tsareva from Moscow Tax Office 28 – is an important member of the Klyuev Organized Crime Group. Tax officer Anisimova worked with her boss, Tax Officer Stepanova, to systematically authorize mutiple fraudulent tax refunds transferred to the Klyuev’s Universal Savings Bank.
- Elena Khimina, head of Moscow Tax Office 25 – is a key member of the Klyuev Organized Crime Group. Khimina systematically authorized fraudulent tax refunds transferred to the Klyuev’s Universal Savings Bank.
- Artem Kuznetsov – is a key member of the Klyuev Organized Crime Group. He used his position in law enforcement to aid the group in committing crimes and to protect it when it got caught. He played a key role in the attack on Hermitage, $230 million tax theft and in arresting Sergei Magnitsky after he exposed the crimes of the Klyuev group.
- Pavel Karpov – is a key member of the Klyuev Organized Crime Group. He used his position in law enforcement to aid the group in committing crimes and to protect it when it got caught. He played a key role in the attack on Hermitage, $230 million tax theft and in opening a false criminal case used to arrest Sergei Magnitsky after he exposed the crimes of the group.
- Oleg Silchenko – is a key member of the Klyuev Organised Crime Group. He was the person directly in charge of the false arrest, detention, torture and death of Sergey Magnitsky. He was also directly in charge of the $230 million tax theft investigation and covered up from liability all tax and Interior Ministry officers and judges implicated by Sergei Magnitsky in the theft.
Criminal executors
- Gennady Plaksin is a front man for Klyuev and his bank, the Universal Savings Bank. Plaksin served as Chairman of the bank and he played a role in both the $107 million tax theft in 2006 and the $230 million tax theft in 2007.
- Alexei Sheshenia is a front man for Klyuev. He was accused of murder in 1998. He played a role in both the $107 million tax theft in 2006 and the $230 million tax theft in 2007.
- Viktor Markelov is an enforcer for Klyuev. In 2006, he was accused of kidnapping with officers Kuznetsov and Karpov. In the $230 million tax theft in 2007, documents held by Kuznetsov and Karpov were used to falsely register Markelov as owner of the stolen Hermitage companies. Markelov also played a large role in protecting his bosses from liability.
- Vyacheslav Khlebnikov is a front man for Klyuev. In the $230 tax theft of 2007, his fellow criminal, Viktor Markelov, made him a director of one of the stolen Hermitage companies. Khlebnikov then signed documents necessary to effect that tax refund fraud. Khlebnikov also played a large role in protecting his bosses from liability.
- Valery Kurochkin was a front man for Klyuev. In the $230 tax theft of 2007, his fellow criminal, Viktor Markelov, made him a director of one of the stolen Hermitage companies. Kurochkin then signed documents necessary to effect that tax refund fraud.
To learn more about what happened to Sergei Magnitsky please read below
- Sergei Magnitsky
- Why was Sergei Magnitsky arrested?
- Sergei Magnitsky’s torture and death in prison
- President’s investigation sabotaged and going nowhere
- The corrupt officers attempt to arrest 8 lawyers
- Past crimes committed by the same corrupt officers
- Petitions requesting a real investigation into Magnitsky's death
- Worldwide reaction, calls to punish those responsible for corruption and murder
- Complaints against Lt.Col. Kuznetsov
- Complaints against Major Karpov
- Cover up
- Press about Magnitsky
- Bloggers about Magnitsky
- Corrupt officers:
- Sign petition
- Citizen investigator
- Join Justice for Magnitsky group on Facebook
- Contact us
- Sergei Magnitsky