Posts Tagged ‘alexeyeyva’

March 2012

Will Russia Graduate From The Jackson-Vanik Amendment? By Krickus

The Lithuania Tribune

The Obama administration wants to scrap the Jackson-Vanik amendment, a Cold War relic that could compromise American economic interests after Russia enters the World Trade Organization (WTO). U.S. firms could be denied access to the Russian market and those operating in it would not be protected by WTO rules. But there are members of Congress in both parties who oppose granting Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) status to Moscow without a trade-off; namely in return for scrapping the amendment, the Obama administration will endorse passage of the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act—named after the human rights lawyer who died under government custody. It is designed to punish Russian officials who engage in human rights violations, illegally seize property, and falsify elections. Among other things, they will be subjected to visa and financial sanctions.

Some supporters of this trade-off are doing so out of principle. They believe that it will offer the Russian people protections against human rights violations. This is not the view of the Obama administration. Michael McFaul, the U.S. Ambassador to Russia opposes linking wider commercial relations between Moscow and Washington to human rights. He argues that it will not advance Russia’s march towards democracy. Instead he urges congress to provide $50 million dollars to Russian NGO’s to enhance their capacity to build a civil society and notes as well that visa bans have already been issued against some Russian officials.

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