Posts Tagged ‘Gary Feuerberg’

November 2012

U.S.–Russia Trade Relations Linked to Human Rights

The Epoch Times

A bill that would grant the Russian Federation Permanent Normal Trade Relations, or PNTR, comes with a condition: punishment of Russian officials for human rights abuses resulting in the death of tax lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in 2009.

Magnitsky’s story “is emblematic of corruption, human rights abuses and impunity in Russia,” said U.S. Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.).

Magnitsky was a tax lawyer who exposed a $230 million tax fraud—the largest known tax refund fraud in Russian history—carried out by officials of the Russian government. McGovern told Magnitsky’s story during the House debate on Nov.15: “Lawyer Sergei Magnitsky was wrongly arrested and tortured in a Russian prison. Six months later, he became seriously ill. He was denied medical attention despite 20 formal requests.

“On the night of November 16, 2009—three years ago tomorrow—his condition became critical. Instead of being treated in a hospital, he was taken to an isolation cell, chained to a bed, and beaten by eight prison guards for one hour and 18 minutes, which resulted in his death.”

Chief Executive Director of Hermitage Capital Management William Browder, who had hired Magnitsky, testified that 59 of the 60 people involved in the Magnitsky case have been exonerated. Some of the guiltiest have been promoted and received state honors, he said.

The Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act bans visas and freezes the assets of those individuals responsible for the false arrest, torture, and death of Magnitsky. It applies as well to Russian officials engaged in corruption or gross violations of human rights.

Several Congress members with reputations as stalwarts for human rights were reluctant to grant Russia PNTR status because of the nation’s deteriorating human rights situation. Both Democrat Congressman Jim McGovern and Republican Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen stated publicly that they would not have voted in favor of granting PNTR for the Russian Federation if it did not include the Magnitsky Act.

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