Posts Tagged ‘german’

November 2011

Berlin Exhibit Explores Magnitsky Case

New York Times

A permanent exhibition at the Checkpoint Charlie Museum (Friedrichstrasse 43-45; in Berlin exposes a modern-day saga of governmental corruption, coercion and torture. The Sergei Magnitsky case revealed egregious abuses of power that continue to plague Putin’s Russia and which ultimately led to the tragic demise of the 37-year-old tax attorney Magnitsky, while he was held captive in a maximum security Russian prison.

His crime? Uncovering a vast conspiracy that sought to rob the Russian state and its citizens of millions of dollars in fraudulent tax refunds, allegedly executed by police officers and governmental officials.

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November 2011

Second anniversary of Magnitsky death to be marked abroad


A series of events to mark the second anniversary of Hermitage Capital lawyer Sergei Magnitsky’s death at a Moscow detention center, will be held in the United States and Europe, the Hermitage Capital’s press service has reported.

In memory of Sergei Magnitsky’s heroic resistance to corruption and bureaucratic tyranny, politicians, rights campaigners and cultural figures will hold a series of important events in the capitals of the United States, Britain and Germany, a Hermitage Capital spokesman told Interfax.

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November 2011

Germany considering EU visa ban on Russian officials

EU Observer

The German government is considering the merits of an EU visa ban on Russian officials implicated in the murder of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky.

Markus Loning, the German foreign ministry’s commissioner for human rights, told EUobserver on the margins of a conference on Russia in Helsinki on Thursday (10 November): “We’re discussing it. It is an option that my office is bringing to the table, into the debate. I can’t say I have completely convinced the rest of the government, but it is something I am putting on the table again and again.”

One option is to seek agreement by all 27 EU countries to blacklist the officials. Germany could also unilaterally red-flag the names in the passport-free Schengen system, forcing all 25 Schengen members to keep them out.

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