Posts Tagged ‘Kenneth Rijock’

January 2013

Blog: Are you banking with any of the peeps on the Magnitsky List?

Kenneth Rijock’s Financial Crime Blog

With Canada reportedly considering the adoption of the list* of Russian government figures involved in the death, whilst in custody, of Russian attorney Sergei Magnitsky, you would do well, wherever you are located, to check the names against your client base, for the risk of consequential reputation damage is high. should you find yourself banking any of these individuals. You do not want to be on the wrong side of such a case, where a young, whistle-blowing attorney ends up dead of heart failure in a Russian prison.

The new American legislation, regarding the exclusion of these individuals from entry into the United States, which has strong support in some quarters in Russia, may be the tip of the iceberg, regarding a more assertive American posture on human rights violators, and those who make a mockery out of the rule of law.

*Individuals involved in the tax fraud against Hermitage, and the torture and death of Sergei magnitsky микрозайм онлайн займы на карту займы онлайн на карту срочно

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