Posts Tagged ‘lithuani tribune’

December 2013

Russian refugee asks Lithuania to adopt ‘Magnitsky act’

Lithuania Tribune

Yesterday at Kudirkos Square in Vilnius a group of people organised a small demonstration to support Russian political prisoners. The organiser of the demonstration was Vsevolod Chernozub, the active member of Russian liberal democratic movement ‘Solidarnost’. The event also aimed to commemorate the international Human Rights Day.

“Nowadays almost every country is still trying to keep good relations with the Russian government for different reasons, such as gas, politics, economy, etc. But there are people, who stood up against Vladimir Putin’s regime, and who, as a result, are now suffering in prisons in Russia. The aim of today’s action is to support them and to ask Lithuania and also the whole European Union to adopt the so-called ‘Magnitsky act’”, Vsevolod Chernozub told The Lithuanian Tribune.

‘Magnitsky act’ was passed by the United States and signed by President Barack Obama on 14 December 2012. The main objective of the act was to punish the Russian officials who were thought to be responsible for the death of Sergei Magnitsky (Russian political prisoner) by prohibiting their entrance to the United States and use of the US banking system.

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