Posts Tagged ‘magnitsky kratov’

December 2012

Russian court clears prison official in Magnitsky case

Deutsche Welle

A Moscow court has acquitted the only official charged with the death of whistleblower Sergei Magnitsky. Meanwhile, Russia’s president has signed a bill banning Americans from adopting Russian children.

A court in Moscow on Friday found prison doctor Dmitry Kratov not guilty of negligence causing Magnitsky’s death.
Magnitsky blew the whistle on what he claimed was a scheme in which police investigators had stolen hundreds of millions of dollars from the state through fraudulent tax refunds. He was imprisoned on tax evasion charges.

The lawyer, whose family denounced the result as a sham, died in jail in 2009 after his pancreatitis went untreated.

An investigation by Russia’s Presidential Council on Human Rights had found that Magnitsky was brutally beaten and denied medical treatment. The council accused the government of failing to prosecute those responsible.

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