Posts Tagged ‘mark harper’

July 2013

No notification regarding Magnitsky list from London – Russian FM


Russia has not received an official notification from the UK authorities on banning Russian officials on the US Magnitsky List from entering the UK, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.

“We have not received any official notifications to this effect from the UK authorities,” he said at a joint news conference following his talks with Romanian Foreign Minister Titus Corlatean.

Lavrov added that “the UK authorities have said more than once that they do not intend to compile similar lists.”

“A provocation cannot be ruled out, because there are many high-profile issues in the European and global media space from which some people would like to create a diversion,” the Russian Foreign Minister said.

According to the Daily Telegraph, the UK Home Office has banned 60 Russian officials allegedly involved in the death of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in 2009 from entering the UK.

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July 2013

Human right activist supports British ban on Russians on Magnitsky List

Russia Beyond the Headlines

Russian veteran human rights defender, Moscow Helsinki Group (MHG) head Lyudmila Alexeyeva has supported the British ban on 60 Russians on the Magnitsky List from entering the UK.”

Certainly, I would like people involved in the Magnitsky case to be punished here, in Russia. That would have displayed our wish to become a democracy, put an end to violations of human rights and have fair trials,” Alexeyeva told Interfax on Tuesday.

“Yet this is not happening. Let them be punished at least on the international level,” the human rights activist said.

“The British decision is very painful. For our rich love for visiting the UK,” Alexeyeva said.
The Home Office barred 60 Russians on the Magnitsky List from entering the UK, The Daily Telegraph said.It said the barring of the Russians was contained in a response in April to a written inquiry from Conservative MP Dominic Raab if any of the Russians on the Magnitsky List visited the UK last year.

The Home Office said it was aware of the people on the Magnitsky List and had taken measures to deny them British visas.

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July 2013

Russians linked to Sergei Magnitsky case banned from entering UK

The Telegraph

The Home Office has barred 60 Russian nationals linked to the Sergei Magnitsky whistleblower case from travelling to the UK.

Mr Magnitsky, a lawyer who worked for London-based hedge fund Hermitage Capital Management, died in a Moscow jail in 2009 after accusing senior Russian police officers of organising a $230m (£153m) fraud in league with tax officials. He died after being beaten and denied medical treatment for pancreatitis.

The Home Office issued the bans after the Commission on Security and Co-operation in Europe published a list of the 60 officials in June last year, has learned.

The move is likely to prompt retaliation from the Kremlin, which banned American parents from adopting Russian children in reprisal agaisnt the US issuing visa bans and freezing the assets of some of the officials implicated in the case.

The Home Office’s barring of the Russian was contained in a previously unreported Parliamentary response in April to a written question from Dominic Raab.

Mr Raab, the Conservative MP for Esher & Walton, asked the Home Office if any of the 60 Russians had visited the UK in the last year.

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