Posts Tagged ‘medvedev’

July 2011

Sergei Magnitsky: Russian officials named as suspects


Russian prosecutors have launched a criminal investigation into two prison officials over the high-profile death of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky.

The deputy governor and chief doctor at Butyrskaya prison in Moscow are suspected of negligence causing death.

Magnitsky’s case has become a cause celebre. Arrested after accusing the police of corruption, he was reportedly beaten and denied treatment in jail.

A report has concluded he suffered deliberate neglect and torture.

The group Physicians for Human Rights, on the request of Magnitsky’s family, conducted the first independent medical evaluation of the case.

The report, released on Monday, concluded that he received “inadequate medical treatment”, and that his death was the result of “calculated, deliberate and inhumane neglect”.

It called on the Russian government to accept responsibility under the UN Convention Against Torture.

Different suspects

President Dmitry Medvedev’s human rights council produced a report earlier this month which concluded that there was reasonable suspicion that Magnitsky’s death was triggered by beatings while in police custody.

The report singled out senior interior ministry investigator Oleg Silchenko and prison chief Ivan Prokopenko as being at fault for neglect over the lawyer’s death.

However, these are not the same two officials named by prosecutors on Monday.

They are Larisa Litvinova, chief physician at Butyrskaya prison, and the prison’s deputy chief Dmitry Kratov.

Magnitsky’s former employer told the Associated Press that more powerful people were still being protected.

“The Russian government are desperately trying to create the appearance that they are doing something here, without going after the real guilty parties,” said William Browder, who runs Hermitage Capital Management, for whom Magnitsky was working.

Magnitsky had claimed to have unearthed evidence that implicated the police, officials and bankers in a massive fraud, which used Hermitage as a vehicle.

He was later arrested, himself accused of fraud, and investigated by some of the very same people he had accused of corruption.

He was imprisoned without trial in November 2008, developed pancreatitis in jail but was never properly treated, and died in November 2009, aged 37. займы на карту срочно займ онлайн на карту без отказа займ на карту онлайн

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July 2011

A Return Visit to Earlier Stories: The Trouble with Russia


Russia’s official version of the prison death of Hermitage Capital lawyer Sergei Magnitsky got a sharp revision on July 5, when a human-rights council appointed by President Dmitry Medvedev reported that Magnitsky had been illegally detained and had probably died from a truncheon beating inflicted by eight guards in November 2009 — and not from heart failure, as claimed by prison doctors.

When Magnitsky’s family received the body of the 37-year-old lawyer, it was bruised and his fingers were broken, said the report (“Crime and Punishment in Putin’s Russia,” April 18).

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July 2011

FSB, police officials could figure in Magnitsky death investigation

RIA Novosti

Officials from the Federal Security Service (FSB) and the Interior Ministry may be implicated in the death of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in police custody, a member of the Kremlin’s human rights council said on Thursday..

Magnitsky died after almost a year in a notorious Moscow pre-trial detention center in November 2009. He had been arrested on tax evasion charges just days after claiming that police investigators had stolen $230 million from the state.

On Wednesday a council report said his death was likely to have been the result of a beating and that the charges against him were fraudulent. Human rights activists and his former colleagues allege the officers he had accused were involved in his death, which was originally said to have been the result of “heart failure.”

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July 2011

The Sergei Magnitsky Case: An Admission of Guilt

The Foundry

On July 5 the Russian Human Rights Council published its report on the now infamous—and mysterious—death of the lawyer Sergei Magnitsky. An attorney for the Moscow-based American law firm Firestone Duncan, he represented Hermitage Capital, which was at the time the largest Western hedge fund in Russia.

Magnitsky died while in custody awaiting trial for a fabricated tax evasion charge. He was jailed after he accused Russian officials of fraudulently obtaining $230 million in tax rebates from the Russian Treasury using a sophisticated swindle. These were the same officials who prosecuted Hermitage and barred its owner, Bill Browder, from returning to Russia for reasons the state refused to reveal.

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July 2011

Inside Russia, new light shines on Magnitsky case

Russia Beyond The Headlines

Investigators, prison doctors, prosecutors and judges are responsible for the death of the Hermitage Capital fund lawyer, the presidential council on human rights stated. The international community watches to see what happens next.

The Russian lawyer who once worked for a U.S. investment fund died after a brutal beating from prison guards, the presidential council on human rights confirmed last week. Investigators, prison doctors, prosecutors and judges are all responsible for the death of the Hermitage Capital fund lawyer, the Presidential Council on Human Rights also found.

Their findings have international implications, as the case is seen as another litmus test for how the Kremlin can handle cases of alleged official corruption and abuses of power. In death, Magnitsky has become an international cause celebre: The 37-year-old lawyer died alone in prison in November 2009. He had accused officials of tax fraud before his arrest.

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July 2011

Report on Lawyer’s Death Provides a Chance for Medvedev to Redeem Himself


Russia’s president needs to do far more than just listen to the damning findings on the case of Sergei Magnitsky.

Even by the dubious standards of the Russian system of justice, the Sergei Magnitsky case is an outrage. Magnitsky died in a Moscow prison in November 2009 after 11 months in custody. He was arrested by senior police officials who had fraudulently seized control of assets of the U.K.-based Hermitage investment fund and had thereby secured a $230 million tax refund – the largest in Russian history. Magnitsky, an attorney, was working on behalf of Hermitage to recover the assets. In an appalling reversal of fate, Magnitsky himself was accused of tax fraud.

On 5 July President Dmitry Medvedev heard a report from his Council on Civil Society and Human Rights. The report covered a broad range of topics, from terrorism in the North Caucasus to children’s rights. Buried in the middle of the report, which was orally presented to Medvedev by council members, were their findings on the Magnitsky case. Their material was explosive. Not only did they confirm that Magnitsky had been illegally detained and denied medical treatment, they also revealed that immediately before his death he had been beaten by eight guards in the medical facility to which he had been transferred – and where he had again been denied medical treatment. This final tragic detail had not previously been known. It is an almost unbelievably cruel footnote to an already horrific tale.

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July 2011

Russia’s Summer of Fire, Intrigue, Political Mystery: World View

Is lightning striking twice in the same place? Kommersant has sounded the tocsin, warning that once again peat bogs around Moscow are burning: “According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, on Sunday in the region around Moscow sixteen wildfires broke out simultaneously.”

Authorities said that the fires have been extinguished, but Kommersant quoted Grigory Kuksin, of Greenpeace Russia, who refuted the good news. “In the Gus-Khrustalny district alone, five fires are burning,” Kuksin said. “The situation in the region is bad. There aren’t enough resources to put out fires or even contain them.”

The bogs currently ablaze may prefigure a return of the catastrophic wildfires that last summer coincided with a record-shattering heat wave and raged for weeks, generating lethal smog that blanketed the capital, wrought billions of dollars worth of damage and, at least indirectly, caused tens of thousands of deaths.

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July 2011

Report Blames Prison Officials In Magnitsky Death, Russian President Cites ‘Criminal Actions’

FIN Alternatives

Nearly two years after Sergei Magnitsky died in a Moscow prison, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev called his treatment “criminal” in the wake of a damning report blaming prison officials for the hedge fund lawyer’s death.

A report issued yesterday by Medvedev’s investigative council concluded that Magnitsky, who represented Hermitage Capital Management, “was completely deprived of medical care. Additionally, there are grounds to suspect that Magnitsky’s death was the result of a beating,” and not merely the pancreatitis he contracted during the year he spent behind bars on suspicion of tax evasion.

One member of the investigative committee went even further, telling The Telegraph, “we have concluded he died of a beating. It was real torture to beat an ailing man with truncheons.”

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July 2011

Russia’s Medvedev sides with human rights activists on Sergei Magnitsky killing

Christian Science Monitor

Russian President Dimitry Medvedev surprised many when he backed a report blaming the 2009 fatality of anticorruption lawyer Sergei Magnitsky on prison brutality.

But Russian President Dmitry Medvedev appeared to do that Tuesday after being handed a scathing report, prepared by the Kremlin’s own human rights commission, that described the 2009 prison death of anticorruption lawyer Sergei Magnitsky as the work of prison guards who savagely beat him and doctors who refused to treat him. The report also blamed top officials for covering up the whole affair.

“The case of Magnitsky is a very sad case, for this man is dead, and in all likelihood, there were certain criminal actions that led to this result,” Mr. Medvedev said after meeting with the commission, an advisory body that includes some of Russia’s top human rights campaigners.

While the Kremlin commission’s advice is often ignored, experts say things might be different this time. The report given to Medvedev, which clashes sharply with the findings of an official investigation, not only describes the appalling conditions Mr. Magnitsky was subjected to but also names several prison officials and medical authorities who allegedly colluded in the abuse.

“Our report is no abstract document,” says Valery Borshchev, a former Duma deputy and coauthor of the report. “We name the people actually responsible for what happened to Magnitsky and cite the evidence that permits us to accuse them of corruption and other legal violations. We name the doctors who withheld medical assistance from him. We don’t name any top officials because their involvement has yet to be proven.”

Unlawful arrest, brutal detention

Magnitsky, a lawyer with the British-based Hermitage Capital, had filed a 2008 lawsuit alleging a $230 million tax fraud by a number of top Russian law enforcement officials. Within weeks, he was arrested by some of those same officials, charged with fraud, and taken to Matrosskaya Tishina, a notorious Moscow pretrial detention center.

A year later, Magnitsky died of heart failure in prison after apparently being denied medical treatment. The case, which seemed to exemplify the worst of Russia’s corruption-ridden justice system and violence-plagued prisons, attracted widespread attention. At the time, Medvedev promised a full investigation.

But the official inquiry presented Monday found no fault with prison officials and merely blamed unnamed doctors for not acting efficiently in his case.

“The experts identified deficiencies in the medical care given to Magnitsky during his detention, which may have prevented a timely diagnosis of his chronic illness,” a spokesman for the official Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin, told journalists. “In this regard, he was not provided with timely and appropriate treatment.”

But the report given to Medvedev the next day by the Kremlin human rights panel provided evidence that Magnitsky’s original arrest was unlawful, that his detention was marked by beatings and possibly torture aimed at extracting a confession of guilt, and that prison officials instructed doctors not to treat him.

“It is clear that Magnitsky, who was in a critical state of health, was beaten in prison,” says Mr. Borshchev.

On the night he died “he was delivered to Matrosskaya Tishina in serious condition. But the doctor on duty, instead of treating him, allowed eight guards to take him into a small cell in handcuffs. The doctor also called an ambulance, but it was not allowed to enter the prison gates for over an hour. When [medical personnel] were able to enter, Magnitsky was already dead. It is a recorded fact that he had been beaten by truncheons,” he says.

“We insist that several members of the [official] Investigation Committee be made to answer for their conduct, as well as certain judges who abetted his illegal arrest, prolonged his detention and denied his relatives permission to visit him in prison …

“It is clear that the system swept down on Magnitsky and destroyed him,” he adds. “The lesson here is that a person is defenseless against the system.”
Signs of reform

Some members of the commission say that the fact that Medvedev has defied the official investigation and admitted that “criminal actions” played a role in Magnitsky’s death means that the system can be reformed.

“I think Magnitsky’s case is proof that our society, supported by the president, can force the system to be accountable,” says Kiril Kabanov, head of the official National Anti-Corruption Committee. “Right now we have a lot of other cases similar to Magnitsky’s, which means that what happened to him is not that unusual.”

He says there is a lot of institutional resistance to revealing and punishing abuses, and dealing with it will require a big push from the Kremlin.

“Officials tend to cover up and protect their workers [who commit abuse], and seem ready to accuse anybody else – even international conspiracies – for the allegations against them, rather than own up to the real state of affairs,” he says.

Another commission member, former judge Mara Polyakova, says reform will not be easy.

“This case spotlights all the defects of our law enforcement organs and courts which we’ve long known about,” she says. “The fact that the Magnitsky case has attracted such resonance is good, but don’t imagine all the vice we’re dealing with can be eliminated at a single stroke. The system itself is vile, and change will be a long, hard struggle.”

International pressure

Last month Russia’s top prosecutor, Yury Chaika, slammed the US Senate for introducing a bill, the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act of 2011, which would deny US visas and freeze the US-based assets of Russian officials accused of committing illegal reprisals against human rights activists. This week, the Dutch parliament unanimously passed a similar resolution.

“Investigative bodies and the Russian justice system are coming under pressure. I believe that this is unacceptable,” Mr. Chaika said.

But Masha Lipman, editor of the Moscow Carnegie Center’s Pro et Contra journal, says international pressure like that was probably a big factor in forcing Medvedev to make his public admission.

“What makes this case truly unique is the very diverse effort to compel the Russian government to investigate thoroughly, and not to let the perpetrators get away with it. The president was forced to say something he never would have said in public otherwise,” she says.

“Medvedev’s words suggest an effort by nervous Russian officials to try to soften their position, reconcile with the US, Holland, and other foreign countries. It’s a struggle, but the threat of sanctions against Russian officials, who like to stash their assets abroad and travel to foreign countries, is something that appears to be working,” she says.

“Now we must wait to see what happens next. Is this as far as Medvedev is prepared to go? People are waiting for more than words, they want to see something definitive, proceedings opened, charges laid against the perpetrators. That would be something,” she adds. онлайн займы unshaven girl female wrestling hairy woman

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