Posts Tagged ‘mount pleasant patch’

April 2012

Romney is Right on Russia

Mount Pleasant Patch

I would first like to congratulate the left wing media for making me do something I never thought I would, defend Mitt Romney. I am sure by this point we have all seen the video of Barack Obama whispering to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to “give him some space on missile defense, after the election I will have more flexibility.”

Afterward Mitt Romney rightly condemned this statement and labeled Russia a chief geopolitical rival. I could probably right an entire book on why this was correct; however I will just give a few highlights of the lovable teddy bears that are Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev and the regime that they have overseen for more than a decade.

1) Russian oil billionaire Mikhail Khodorkovsky is currently serving his second prison sentence in Russian prison on trumped up charges of tax evasion after he had signaled a possible challenge to Putin’s political career

2) Whistle blower Sergei Magnitsky died in prison due to the fact that he was not allowed medical treatment. Magnitsky’s crime was exposing corruption within Putin’s Interior

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