Posts Tagged ‘nadezhda krasilova’

May 2012

Italy made its own blacklist of Russian officials involved in Magnitsky’s death

Novye Izvestia

One of the resolutions (the one drawn by a representative of the Democratic Radical Party) is stiffer than the other. It suggests discovery of the assets of Russian corrupt officials in Italy and their confiscation. As for the crooks themselves, the resolution suggests that they be denied travel to Italy. “Magnitsky’s case is actually a test for Europe,” said the author of the resolution. “We appeal to all European countries and specifically to Italy to take measures to prevent officials and functionaries guilty of the death of this gallant young man from enjoying free travel and investment here. There is nothing political about it. This is a matter of humanism and justice.” The parliamentarian said that the Italians knew the identities of 60 Russian state officials and civil servants involved in the matter, ones who were never tried for it.

The resolution drawn by the party of ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi is less restrictive. It suggests no financial or visa sanctions against the Russians. And yet even this document appeals to the Russian authorities to investigate Magnitsky’s death and bring those guilty to trial. Authors of the this document point out that the matter is regularly brought up at the Russian-EU talks and that Russian delegations inevitably go out of their way to steer the conversation away from the awkward subject.

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