Posts Tagged ‘PR’

March 2012

Lavrov Dismisses Magnitsky Sanctions as ‘PR Stunt’

RIA Novosti

The recent steps by western countries introducing travel bans against Russian officials linked to the high-profile death of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in 2009 are nothing but a PR stunt, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday.

Magnitsky, who was detained after accusing officials of fraud, reportedly died due to torture and neglect. Two doctors were charged over his death in August last year.

“In line with international law, any country can refuse issuing a visa to anyone from any other country without giving any explanations. That is why all of this is to a large extent a pure PR stunt to show off how ‘cool’ we are. We are making lists and will not let anyone in,” Lavrov said.

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