Posts Tagged ‘rapsi’

August 2012

Magnitsky – Browder tax evasion case assigned to new investigator


Russia’s Investigative Department reports that the Hermitage Capital tax evasion case is being reassigned to a new investigator. William Browder and auditor Sergei Magnitsky are named as the primary suspects in the case.

The department’s statement says the move was made to redistribute the workload between investigators. It also reminds that the criminal case against Browder and Magnitsky became a separate proceeding in December 22, 2011.

According to case materials, Browder, who was the head of the Moscow office of Hermitage Capital Management Limited and was the CEO of Dalnyaya Step and Saturn (which were registered in the Republic of Kalmykia) jointly with auditor Magnitsky submitted falsified tax returns in 2001 and therefore evaded taxes estimated at more than 500 million rubles ($15.84 million).

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July 2012

Magnitsky Act’s sponsor may be denied entrance to Russia


U.S. Senator Ben Cardin, the sponsor of the contentious Magnitsky Act, may be denied entrance to Russia, Izvestia daily reports on Monday.

The newspaper says Russia’s parliament is discussing a large group of individuals, including the U.S. Consul General in Vladivostok Douglas Kent, as well as Drug Enforcement Agency officers Scott Hacker and Derek Odney, who are involved in the case of Russian businessman Viktor Bout.

Entry may be denied under draft law On Measures against Individuals Involved in Violation of Russian Citizens’ Rights Abroad, talk of which may soon be resumed in parliament.

The draft was submitted to the lower house in June 2011 and it may be adopted if the United States passes the Magnitsky Act.

Some MPs do not consider it an appropriate response to Washington. Deputy foreign relations committee head Leonid Kalashnikov thinks that a more radical step is required.

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April 2012

Amnesty International urges Russian authorities to close Magnitsky’s case


Amnesty International, an international human rights organization, urges Russian authorities to terminate a criminal case against lawyer Sergei Magnitsky who died in the pre-trial detention center in November 2009, the organization reported on its website on Friday.

The Moscow’s Ostankinsky District Court affirmed the resumption of Magnitsky’s case on Tuesday, April 3. The posthumous investigation was ordered by Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor Grin on July 30, 2011.

Meanwhile, human rights activists have repeatedly called on the Russian authorities to investigate the circumstances of Magnitsky’s death.

The court dismissed on April 3 the appeal filed by Magnitsky’s mother to cancel Grin’s order. His widow Natalia Zharikova filed a petition in which she supported Magnitsky mother’s appeal.

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February 2012

U.S. State Department urges Russia to punish those responsible for Magnitsky’s death


The United States continues to urge Russia to bring to account those responsible for the death of Hermitage Capital Investment Fund lawyer Sergei Magnitsky.

Magnitsky, who was accused of corporate tax evasion in relation to his work for the Hermitage Capital investment fund died in an investigative isolation ward in November 2009. According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, his death was caused by cardiovascular insufficiency.

The criminal case against Magnitsky was terminated by the Investigative Committee due to his death, but the Prosecutor General’s Office decided to resume the investigation.

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January 2012

Presidential council to discuss complaint about pressure on Magnitsky’s relatives


Presidential human rights council will discuss a complaint from Sergei Magnitsky’s relatives about the Interior Ministry’s pressure and will try to help them, council member Kirill Kabanov told RIA Novosti.

“We will hold the council’s working group meeting soon,” said Kabanov emphasizing that the human activists will try to influence the situation and help the relatives.

Magnitsky, who was accused of corporate tax evasion in relation to his work for the investment fund, died in an investigative isolation ward in November 2009. According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, his death was caused by cardiovascular insufficiency.

The criminal case against Magnitsky was terminated by the Investigative Committee due to his death, but the Prosecutor General’s Office decided to resume the investigation. Magnitsky’s relatives have demanded that the case against him be dropped.

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January 2012

Human Rights court awards damages to sick Russian prisoners

RIA Novosti

The European Court of Human Rights has awarded three seriously ill Russian remand prisoners a total of 38,000 euros following lawsuits against the Russian authorities for poor treatment in pretrial detention centers, according to a ruling published on the court’s website on Tuesday, RAPSI news agency reported.

The issue of poor medical treatment in Russian pretrial detention centers has become increasingly controversial following the high-profile deaths in custody of Hermitage Capital Management fund legal adviser Sergei Magnitsky in November 2009 and Vera Trofimova, a defendant in a fraud case, in April 2010.
The Strasbourg court said the petition was filed by Armen Arutyunyan, Teymuraz Sakhvadze and Vladimir Vasilyev, who were charged with serious crimes including murder and attempted rape.

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December 2011

Fighting corruption in Russia: No cause for celebration


On December 9, the world marked International Anti-Corruption Day. For Russia, this is something of a professional holiday, as it has found itself in an unenviable position in numerous anti-corruption ratings in the past few years.

Yelena Panfilova, General Director of the Center for Anti-Corruption Research and Initiative of Transparency International Russia and a member of the Presidential Council for Civil Society Institutions and Human Rights

Over the past three to four years, the Russian government has focused attention on fighting bribery. The government should use International Anti-Corruption Day as an opportunity to talk about its successful anti-graft measures and highlight its achievements. At the very least, it should mark, if not celebrate, this day.

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November 2011

Investigation into Magnitsky’s case extended


The investigation into the case of Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer for Hermitage Capital fund who died two years ago in a Moscow pretrial detention ward, has been extended, the Interior Ministry’s investigative department told RIA Novosti on Thursday.

Magnitsky died of cardiovascular insufficiency on November 16, 2009. His death sparked a major public outcry, and resulted in amendments to criminal procedure and a large reshuffling of officials in the penal system.

The criminal case against him was terminated due to his death, but was later resumed by the Prosecutor General’s Office. Magnitsky’s relatives have demanded that the case against him be dropped.

“Investigation into Magnitsky’s case has been extended for the investigators to find out the relatives’ attitude towards terminating prosecution against the deceased,” the department reported.

According to investigators, Magnitsky and his accomplices stole 5.4 billion rubles ($172 million) from the state by manipulating tax returns between September and October 2007.

In turn, Hermitage Capital has maintained that the investment fund had paid the 5.4 billion rubles in taxes, but that the money was stolen by corporate raiders with the help of law enforcement officials. Magnitsky’s prosecution is attributed to this theft.

Later two of the six individuals, who were under investigation, were sentenced to imprisonment. The others, including Magnistky, died. займ онлайн unshaven girl unshaven girl

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October 2011

Magnitsky’s mother complaint over case resumption dismissed


The Moscow City Court has upheld the lower-court’s dismissal of a complaint filed by the mother of Sergei Magnitsky, a legal consultant who died in the pre-trial detention center, the Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI) reports from the courtroom.

The woman requested to cancel the decision to resume the criminal case against her son.

“The Tverskoy District Court’s decision to dismiss the complaint is legal and founded,” a judge of the cassation board said.

Magnitsky, 37, who was accused of corporate tax evasion in relation to his work for the Hermitage Capital investment fund, died in an isolation ward in November 2009. According to the Prosecutor General’s Office, his death was caused by cardiovascular insufficiency.

His death evoked a major public outcry.

The criminal case against Magnitsky was terminated by the Investigative Committee due to his death, but the Prosecutor General’s Office decided to resume the investigation.

Magnitsky’s relatives have demanded that the case against him be dropped. онлайн займы payday loan микрозайм онлайн

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