Posts Tagged ‘ris novosti’

April 2011

Police raid Moscow tax service office, home of deputy head

RIA Novosti

Police on Wednesday raided the office of the Moscow Administration of the Federal Tax Service and the home of its deputy head as part of an investigation into the attempted theft of $70.7 million by a St. Petersburg firm, a police source said.

The case also involves ten incidences of theft committed by the firm ES – Kontraktstroi – under the guise of VAT refunds, the source said.

“From 9 a.m. raids have been continuing in the office of the Moscow administration of the Federal Tax Service…, and in the building of [Moscow’s] tax inspection number 28 ….Moreover, the home of deputy head of Moscow’s Administration of the Federal Tax Service Olga Chernichuk was also raided,” the source said.

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