Posts Tagged ‘russia’

January 2011

The World from The Hill: Five key foreign policy issues to watch in the new year

The Hill

Unresolved issues and new challenges face President Obama on the foreign policy front in 2011, including a new Republican House with lawmakers raring to confront what they see as failing policies.

Republicans can’t do much to change Obama’s direction on foreign policy, but they do hold the purse strings to fund the administration’s operations. Fresh off their midterm rout of Democrats, Republicans have expressed their intentions to use that capability.

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December 2010

Optimism of the will: defending human rights in Russia

Open Democracy

The second week of December promises to be highly symbolic for all those interested in human rights in Russia. [10 December] is Human Rights Day, and in five days time the verdict in the second trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky will be handed down. Simon Cosgrove looks forward, reflects back and salutes the courage of Russia’s human rights activists.

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December 2010

From top to bottom, how corruption infects Russia

The Independent

The claims made in the WikiLeaks cables come as no surprise to Shaun Walker.

Everywhere you look in Russia, there are stories of corruption, whether it’s a traffic policeman shaking down a motorist for a few pounds, or a businessman complaining that top-ranking government officials demanded millions of pounds in kickbacks or bribes. So the allegations contained in WikiLeaks’ US diplomatic cables originating in Moscow are not that surprising to anyone who knows the country well.

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