Posts Tagged ‘Turley’

November 2011

Ask Russians, Not Expats, Their Opinions of Putin

The Moscow Times

In response to “Smiles Greet the Status Quo at FIAC,” an article by Howard Amos on Oct. 18.

This article mentioned Ernst & Young CEO James Turley’s “support” on behalf of the Foreign Investment Advisory Council of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s return to the Russian presidency.

As a foreign citizen working the past 18 years in Russia, including several years at Ernst & Young’s Moscow office, I can state with firm certainty that Turley and those other FIAC company leaders present clearly did not bother to ask the sentiments of their own Russian employees as to how they feel about their future — or that of their children — concerning the prospect of another 12 years of Putin.

I am also confident that neither the families of lawyer Sergey Magnitsky nor the one in every six Russian businesspeople who make up 30 percent of the country’s prisoners — the vast majority of whom are incarcerated on fabricated charges — sympathize with Turley’s political sentiments.

We should ask Russians about how they view the political future of their country. Unlike Turley, the locals have no embassy to run to and no airplane they can just hop on and leave.

As for Turley’s comments, let’s caveat them as “not in my name.” быстрые займы на карту онлайн займ займ срочно без отказов и проверок

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