Posts Tagged ‘UK’

September 2012

Russia says it will respond tit-for-tat to any British sanctions over lawyer’s prison death

Washington Post

Russia sternly warned Britain on Monday that it will respond tit-for-tat if London imposes any travel restrictions that would target Russian officials allegedly involved in the prison death of a Russian lawyer.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said that Moscow asked London about a Sunday Times report claiming that British authorities had compiled a list of 60 Russian officials who could be denied entry over their alleged involvement in Sergei Magnitsky’s death in November 2009.

“Obviously if London introduces any sanctions against Russian citizens Russia will respond appropriately in line with diplomatic practice,” Lukashevich said.

Magnitsky died in custody of untreated pancreatitis after being arrested by the same Russian government officials he had accused of corruption.

His case further tarnished Russia’s rights record and prompted the U.S. House of Representatives to pass a bill in June targeting Russian officials involved in the case. The Kremlin has responded angrily to the American action and threatened to take countermeasures.

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July 2012

Editorial: political disqualification


The West’s Olympic boycott of Lukashenko is sending a clear signal to ex-Soviet dictatorships. The West isn’t holding out hope for democratization and has started to see them as the political heirs of the Soviet regime.

The London Olympics organization committee denied accreditation to Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko who also heads the National Olympics committee. May be the International Olympic Committee can still persuade the British authorities and the organization committee to reconsider, but for now the President of Belarus has no access to to the Games for political reasons.

USA and EU didn’t recognize the election results in Belarus in December 2010 when Lukashenko was reelected for a fourth term. The confrontation between the West and Belarus worsened after the protest rallies by those unhappy with the election results were brutally scattered, and afterwards several presidential candidates were sentenced to real prison time in show trials. Now there are several economic sanctions in effect against Belarus, initiated because there are political prisoners in Belarus. Moreover, Lukashenko and several Belarussian officials have been blacklisted from entry in EU and USA. This prohibition may be the formal reason for the denial of Lukashenko’s accreditation.

The Belarussian president evidently foresaw these events. Recently, when meeting the Belarus Olympic sportemen, Lukashenko lamented about the politicization of modern olympics. “This is politics, sometimes dirty politics,” he said. Nevertheless, he ordered his sportsmen to bring as many medals home as possible. And even altered the main Olympic principle “participation is more important than winning”: “It’s winning that’s important for us, not participation,” Lukashenko said.

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July 2012

It matters where Russian money comes from; Oligarchs find it easy to settle in Britain. But more questions should be asked about them

The Times

A huge stream of money has flowed into Britain from the old Soviet Union since the end of Communism. The British public seems used to the fact that, from time to time, another flamboyant or publicity-shy oligarch whom nobody had previously heard of pops up on the radar as if descending from another planet.

All he has to do is buy a stake in a high-profile business or make a record-breaking bid on a house or country estate and a Russian billionaire or millionaire can easily break into elite British society.
Very little is required to establish oneself as a plutocrat in this country. Local banks apply meagre “know your client” procedures to vet applicants: a passport copy and a utility bill are all that is needed to open an account at any London-based private bank. Then, as if by magic, funds pour into the UK as clean capital, free from any taxation or further scrutiny. Getting the right to stay permanently in the UK with an investor visa is just as easy; all that is needed is a minimum of £2 million in personal assets.

Most rich Russians living in the UK have made their wealth honestly, but there is money sloshing around Britain tainted by corruption. Yet few new arrivals can expect to be challenged on where the money came from, or what they had to do back in Russia to acquire it.

Many in the British Establishment aren’t bothered by this laxness. After all, few Russian billionaires have so far parlayed their fortune into politics — particularly after the fuss caused when George Osborne and Peter Mandelson enjoyed the hospitality of Oleg Deripaska on his yacht off Corfu.
But you should be bothered. Evidence in the court case brought by Boris Berezovsky against Roman Abramovich gave us an insight into how those who amass (and lose) fortunes in Russia, however upright or law-abiding, have to do so against a backdrop of corruption and political interference. This case introduced British lawyers to krysha (the Russian for roof) — the protection money many businessmen pay to do business.

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June 2012

The FCO’s human rights work in 2011

The FCO’s human rights work in 2011

Written evidence from Hermitage Capital Management

May 2012

Specifically addressing the cross-Government strategy on business and human rights, expected to be published later in 2012, and how it should define the relationship between the FCO’s human rights work and the promotion of UK economic and commercial interests in UK foreign policy.

Short summary:

· British businesses should be able to invest in all countries knowing that they are fully supported by the UK government should they experience business and human rights problems.

· At present there is an apparent conflict between the British government’s promotion of business and its professed support for human rights. Based on our experience, the desire to promote British business takes precedence at the expense of any serious practical promotion of human rights. While this may appear to be the rational strategy at a time of economic recession, upholding human rights actually protects British businesses operating abroad as the Hermitage Capital case demonstrates.

There are a number of measures which the British government could take which would give it the leverage to protect international commerce and at the same time promote human rights:

· The British government should impose visa bans and asset freezes on all individuals involved in human rights abuses and high level corruption affecting British businesses.

· It should conspicuously publish a list ‘naming and shaming’ those individuals banned from entering the UK based on their involvement in such activities.

· UK businesses should be warned against investing in countries with dubious human rights records and with a history of economic aggression – such as Russia – in the same way that the FCO offers travel warnings to British tourists.

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May 2012

From jail cell, Mikhail Khodorkovsky urges Britain to ban senior Russian officials from Olympics

Daily Telegraph

Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the jailed oil tycoon, has called on Britain to prevent Russian ofrficials suspected of human rights abuses or corruption from attending the Olympics.

In a letter passed to The Sunday Telegraph from his prison cell, Mr Khodorkovsky urged a ban on 308 officials including high-profile figures such as Russian deputy prime minister Vladislav Surkov, youth leader Vasily Yakemenko and controversial elections chief Vladimir Churov.

The provocative proposal comes as William Hague, the Foreign Secretary, travels to Moscow for a one day visit tomorrow.

He is expected to broach democracy issues briefly but the main focus of the trip will be multilateral cooperation over Syria and Iran.

Mr Khodorkovsky, jailed on allegedly trumped up charges of fraud in 2003, stopped short of requesting an entry ban on Vladimir Putin, but urged Prime Minister David Cameron to press the Russian president on his autocratic leadership if he travels to London for the Games.

“If he is willing, there is much that Putin can do to push Russian society down the road to democracy and reform,” said Mr Khodorkovsky, 48, who is behind bars at a penal colony in Karelia region in northwest Russia. “But surrounding himself by ‘yes men’, he will not often hear the case for change. It is the role of other world leaders to spell out the price Russia tragically pays for being semi-detached from the family of modern democratic nations.”

The tycoon said western countries had “much to gain” if they helped transform Russia from a country where “the state expropriates assets and where the rule of law has been corrupted” into a stable democracy with a diverse economy.

“I would strongly urge Mr Cameron to speak the truth to Mr Putin, that Russia cannot survive on fossil fuels alone and that the days of being able to maintain a ‘managed democracy’ are numbered,” he said.
Mr Putin was elected for a third term as president in March after a series of mass street protests against his rule, and announced a new government dominated by loyal hardliners last week.

Mr Khodorkovsky, who was once Russia’s richest man and owner of the Yukos oil giant, was prosecuted after coming in to conflict with Mr Putin in the early 2000s, when the latter was serving his first term in the Kremlin. The businessman was handed a new sentence in a second fraud trial in 2010 which will keep him in jail until 2017.

Mr Putin is widely thought to have initiated the legal charge on Mr Khodorkovsky in retaliation against him sponsoring opposition parties, while the Russian leader’s supporters say the businessman is a thief who deserved all he got.

In the letter passed to The Sunday Telegraph via his lawyers, Mr Khodorkovsky said Mr Putin needed to be taught a lesson: “I understand it would be very difficult for the British government to ban any head of state from the Olympics, especially from a member-state of the G8 and Council of Europe.

“I also, however, understand that the values of the Olympics are about respect, excellence and friendship and it would do Putin no harm to be exposed to these ideals and think of applying them at home.”

Mr Khodorkvosky said there was “something that the British government can do to raise the profile of human rights whilst playing host to the Olympic Games”. He referred to a list of Russian officials allegedly involved in human rights violations which was presented to the US Congress last year by the opposition leader and former world chess champion, Garry Kasparov.

“I would call on the UK public to look closely at Kasparov’s list when checking against the Russian delegation visiting for London 2012,” said Mr Khodorkovsky.

The suggested visa-ban list, available online, includes Mr Surkov, the former Kremlin “grey cardinal”, Mr Yakemenko, who was once head of the rampantly nationalist Nashi youth group, Mr Churov, who is detested by liberals for his alleged role in election fraud, and Yury Chaika, Russia’s tough prosecutor general.

It also features hundreds of prosecutors, policemen and state employees allegedly involved in the persecution of Yukos employees.

It is unclear how many of the people on the list intend to visit London for the Olympics. Mr Yakemenko’s federal agency on youth affairs, RosMolodezh, is subordinated to the ministry of sport and he is known to be a table tennis fan. No one was available for comment at the agency on Friday.

Moscow is already seething at US and EU proposals to introduce a “Magnitsky list”, featuring people allegedly involved in the death in custody of 37-year-old lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in 2009.

The US is said to have quietly introduced a ban on 60 Russian officials suspected of involvement in his death in July last year, and the UK reportedly followed suit in April. US senators want more stringent measures to freeze the officials’ assets.

The UK has been trying to patch up relations with Moscow after a sharp dip following the death in London in 2006 of former KGB colonel Alexander Litvinenko. Mr Cameron met Mr Putin and then-President Dmitry Medvedev on a visit to Moscow last September and said the Litvinenko affair should not “freeze the entire relationship”.

A British government official said on Friday that Russia remained a “crucial partner” for the UK and that Mr Cameron’s visit last year had “set the tone for a relationship on a stronger footing”.
He said the principle areas of discussion during Mr Hague’s visit to Moscow tomorrow would be multilateral issues such as Iran, Syria and the Middle East peace process.

However, the Foreign Secretary is also expected to address the ongoing stalemate over Litvinenko’s alleged murder. Russia has refused to extradite the chief suspect, Andrei Lugovoi, to the UK. A lack of prosecutions in the Magnitsky case may also be raised.

Mr Khodorkovsky said in his letter that he did not expect to be released early from prison under Russia’s current leadership. He kept up his spirits by corresponding with intellectuals like popular Russian novelist and opposition figure Boris Akunin, and by anticipating time with his family when he is finally freed, he said.

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May 2012

U.K. Eyes Magnitsky Suspects

Moscow Times

Britain has joined the United States in taking steps to bar entry to Russian officials implicated in the 2009 jail death of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky.

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office announced strengthened immigration rules in its annual human rights report this week that would make it difficult for Russians accused of human rights violations in the Magnitsky case to enter Britain.

The U.S. State Department last year blacklisted 60 Russian officials implicated in Magnitsky’s death, and U.S. lawmakers are considering legislation that would bar people accused of human rights abuses at home from entering the United States. hairy woman hairy woman онлайн займы

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May 2012

UK restricts entry for rights abuse suspects

Financial Times

Britain has strengthened its immigration rules to make it more difficult for people believed to have perpetrated human rights abuses abroad to enter the country, according to Foreign and Commonwealth Office officials.

In a move this week that could make it particularly difficult for individuals accused of human rights abuses in Russia to enter the UK, the FCO announced a change to British immigration rules in its annual Human Rights Report this week.

In that report, the FCO states for the first time that “where there is independent, reliable and credible evidence that an individual has committed human rights abuses, the individual will not normally be permitted to enter the United Kingdom.”

Before this week’s change, UK immigration rules stated broadly that an individual “could be refused a visa or entry on the general grounds that entry to the UK would not be conducive to the public good”.
FCO officials say this week’s change implies a deliberate new emphasis by the UK government on the need to penalise human rights abuses.

“Where there is reliable evidence that an individual has committed human rights abuses, the presumption is that they would not be allowed entry in to the UK,” said an official. “Many people are drawn to visit London to buy property, invest money and educate their children. What we are saying is that if you are guilty of human rights abuses you cannot now expect to do that.”

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May 2012

Dominic Raab MP: “Those with blood on their hands should not be allowed to waltz into this country, as if nothing had happened.”

Conservative Home

On Sunday, The Observer trailed new rules enabling individuals to be banned from entering Britain, on the basis of their responsibility – supported by credible evidence – for gross human rights abuses. Whilst The Observer suggested this was a Lib Dem coup, in reality it follows the House of Commons backbench business debate on 7 March, when the House voted unanimously for mandatory targeted sanctions in these cases, including visa bans and asset freezes. A US Bill along the same lines, sponsored by John McCain (R) and Ben Cardin (D), is progressing through the Senate.

I proposed the motion, but critically it was backed by five former Foreign Ministers from the two largest parties. It was inspired by the tragic case of Sergei Magnitsky, a dissident Russian lawyer tortured to death for exposing the biggest tax fraud in Russian history. In the Kafka-esque Russian justice system, it was those who Magnitsky had exposed who initiated his persecution.

The Magnitsky case is a stark reminder of what human rights were designed to protect in the post-war era, at a time when their currency has been devalued by judicial legislation from the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, demanding prisoners be given a novel right to vote and blocking Abu Qatada’s deportation because we can’t guarantee him a fair trial in Jordan.

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April 2012

Russian activist urges UK to publish human rights blacklist

Ekho Moscow

Britain should publish the list of people barred from entering the country because of alleged abuse of human rights, executive director of the movement For Human Rights Lev Ponomarev said on the air of Ekho Moskvy radio.

“If it is a state security department [as received] initiative, it will not be public. It is important in this situation that the list be published. Otherwise there is not much point,” Ponomarev said.

In his opinion, the special list should include “all the people who handled the case of the Hermitage Capital fund lawyer Sergey Magnitskiy, who died in a pre-trial detention centre [in Moscow in 2009]”. “The judges who regularly bring in rulings on administrative detentions in Moscow should also be included there. This will create a big public response, as these are, after all, trials that are completely made to order,” Ponomarev said.

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