Posts Tagged ‘wikileaks’

February 2011

Russia puts British reporter on banned list


Russia has put a British reporter for the Guardian newspaper on a list of people banned from entering the country because he entered a closed security zone without permission, a law enforcement source said on Tuesday.

Guardian correspondent Luke Harding was refused entry at passport control in Moscow this weekend, had his visa annulled and was put on a plane back to Britain, his newspaper said.

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December 2010

Khodorkovsky verdict sheds light on justice system


Russians begin to take notice as oil tycoon is again found guilty. Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the jailed oil tycoon turned liberal martyr, was found guilty today of a second set of charges in a trial held up as a symbol of Russia’s compromised justice system.

The guilty verdict was widely expected but nonetheless provoked harsh condemnation from Russia’s marginalized opposition, international observers and Khodorkovsky’s family.

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December 2010

Mr. Putin’s show trial

The Washington Post

SOMETIME IN the next two weeks, a Moscow judge is expected to announce the conviction of and new prison sentences for Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev, whose oil company, Yukos, was the largest private company in Russia before it was crushed and confiscated by the regime of Vladimir Putin. If that occurs, the notion that Russia might be moving toward the rule of law under Mr. Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev will no longer deserve serious consideration.

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