About the “Russian Untouchables” Website

Funeral of Sergei Magnitsky
Friends of Sergei Magnitsky
This website has been produced by the friends of Sergei Magnitsky and many others from around the world who have been deeply moved and outraged by the tragedy of Sergei’s death and shocked by the continuing impunity of the Russian Interior Ministry officers and other officials responsible for his torture and murder.
Objective of this site
Our objective is to inform you about what happened to Sergei in the most detailed way possible. We are posting original documents, letters, official responses, photos, videos, etc. so no matter how much the Russian officials who tortured and killed Sergei are trying to conceal their crimes, you will have a full library of evidence to know the truth.
We are thankful to all those who have offered valuable help in providing the original documents that make this website work and in sharing all of the facts so that anyone who visits can make their own conclusions and judgments.
Never Again
Hopefully, the disclosure of all the details of the torture and murder of Sergei Magnitsky will be a wake up call for Russia and the rest of the world, and what happened to Sergei will never be repeated in Russia or anywhere else. Together, let us make this goal a reality. Contribute your ideas to the Campaign for Justice.
Punish the Untouchables
Finally, we want to make sure that the “Untouchable” Interior Ministry officers, judges, jailers, prosecutors and organized criminals who did this to Sergei Magnitsky are named, convicted and recognized as international pariahs for their actions.
Deputy General Prosecutor of Russia
Alexei Anichin, Head of Investigative Committee of Interior Ministry
Oleg Logunov, Former Deputy Head of Investigative Committee of Interior Ministry (now Head of Department of General Prosecutor Office)
Victor Voronin, Deputy Head of Economic Security Department, Russian FSB
Dmitri Komnov, Head Butyrka Pre-Trial Detention Center (now Deputy Head of Medved Pre-Trial Detention Center)
Alexander Matveev, Deputy Head of Investigative Committee of Interior Ministry

Artem Kuznetzov, Deputy Head of Division, Moscow Tax Crimes Department of Moscow Interior Ministry
To learn more about what happened to Sergei Magnitsky please read below
- Sergei Magnitsky
- Why was Sergei Magnitsky arrested?
- Sergei Magnitsky’s torture and death in prison
- President’s investigation sabotaged and going nowhere
- The corrupt officers attempt to arrest 8 lawyers
- Past crimes committed by the same corrupt officers
- Petitions requesting a real investigation into Magnitsky's death
- Worldwide reaction, calls to punish those responsible for corruption and murder
- Complaints against Lt.Col. Kuznetsov
- Complaints against Major Karpov
- Cover up
- Press about Magnitsky
- Bloggers about Magnitsky
- Corrupt officers:
- Sign petition
- Citizen investigator
- Join Justice for Magnitsky group on Facebook
- Contact us
- Sergei Magnitsky